Please help us by donating today!
All the teams rely almost totally on donations received from the public. Charitable gifts are always gratefully received, either to specific teams direct, or to mountain rescue generally.
If you wish to financially support the Mountain Rescue Service in the Lake District, the Association will be pleased to receive your donation. All donations and legacies received by LDSAMRA are used to support the work of the 12 teams in the region.
If you prefer to donate to one specific Team you may contact the Team directly via our homepage links to each team.
There are several ways of assisting, some more financially advantageous than others.
We are unable to accept second hand equipment donations. Please contact your local scout groups, youth groups or schools, who enjoy the outdoors.
Please help us by donating today!
Any donations will be warmly received, preferably online, to:
Charity Name: LDSAMRA
Bank: HSBC Gosforth, Cumbria
Bank Code: 40-22-16
Bank Account Number: 81205617
Alternatively, you can send a cheque to the Associations Treasurer:
John Bamforth
43 Rheda Park, Frizington,
Cumbria, CA26 3TA
You can also make an online donation on JustGiving.
Gift Aid
If you wish to make a charitable Gift to LDSAMRA, please print out and complete a gift aid form.
Please note that Gift Aid only applies if the donor pays income tax at the standard rate.
Please return this completed Gift Aid Declaration to the Association Treasurer:
John Bamforth
43 Rheda Park, Frizington,
Cumbria, CA26 3TA
Alternatively you can contact our treasurer directly using the email on the gift aid form.
Give as you Earn
This is a tax free way of giving to charities direct from your pay and many employers have agreed to co-operate. The donation is deducted from your pay before your tax deduction is calculated. The Association is registered with the Charities Aid Foundation.
If this appeals to you, please approach your employer with these details:
Charity Name: LDSAMRA
Bank: HSBC, Gosforth, Cumbria
Bank Code: 40-22-16
Bank Account Number: 81205617
Give As You Earn registered number: 004184
Charity Commission registered number: 506349
Your Will
Many more people are now making provisions in their wills for Mountain Rescue. This thoughtful gesture is helping to ensure the future financial security of Mountain Rescue Teams in the Lakes.
We recommend including our name (LDSAMRA) and our registered charity CIO number found at the bottom of the page. This will ensure solicitors can always contact the charity in the future.
You can contact LDSAMRA using our contact form.